Friday, March 4, 2011


Thinking of a time when I was a teenager. I was sitting in my bedroom and a song played on the radio. And it really sounded great.

Now I realize it's a cheesy heavy metal tune but then, I liked the build-up. I felt, listening, like I was doing something. The song was Autograph's "Turn Up The Radio." Embarrassing that that tune did it for me that night.  It's really dated, and lame.

Now, skip to many years later.

This entry has nothing to do with a bad heavy metal song, but the fact I've been sitting in my room all these years.

Sure, it's not the same room. But I'm alone like then, and not very satisfied.

If only bad songs could sound great like when I didn't realize they weren't good like the stuff I hadn't discovered, that I listen to now, and that sometimes won't lift me from the lethargic funk I'm feeling... right this second.

(I watched the movie HOT TUB TIME MACHINE wherein TURN UP THE RADIO is the main song, but writing this post I didn't know that.)

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